Venture Building Toolkit

Your platform for managing innovation

Filter deck

The filters you set here are applicable to all the elements on the rest of this page. Select one or more of the following optional filters:

  • Country → Select one or more country you like to see
  • Region → Select your region
  • Division → Select your division
  • Channel → Select one of the following channels

    flagship store
    shop in shop
    social media
    flagship store
    pop-up store
    shop in shop
Value propositions
  • Search bar → to filter the list below, type your search criteria and the list will be filtered
  • Region → filter by typing "region abreviation"
  • Country → filter by typing "country name"
  • Division → filter by typing "country name"
  • Channel → filter by "Online", "Offline" or any part of the channel description
  • Stage → stage is indicated by color, search by typing stage name (i.e. Ideation)
    | Ideation
    | Customer validation
    | MVP
    | Optimize
    | Grow
    | Scale
    | Perished
Name Region Country Division Channel Stage
Value proposition 01 NANorth America's US Div01Division 01 Online flagship storeflagship store |02 - Customer validation
Value proposition 02 EUEurope Greece Div02Division 02 Offline flagship storeflagship store |03 - MVP
Value proposition 03 EUEurope Denmark Div02Division 02 Offline flagship storeflagship store |01 - Ideation
Value proposition 04 EUEurope Netherlands Div02Division 02 Offline flagship storeflagship store |05 - Growth
Value proposition 05 EUEurope Germany Div02Division 02 Offline flagship storeflagship store |04 - Optimize
Value proposition 06 EUEurope Italy Div02Division 02 Offline flagship storeflagship store |06 - Scale

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Pipeline potential

  • NSV potential → Estimated NSV potential three years after launch

  • Total investment → Total reported investments in all value propositions, including, as far as possible, technical development, sales & marketing and overheads

NSV Potential (k$)
Total investment (k$)
Pipeline shape

  • Value propositions (#) → Number of value porpositions by stage
  • Approval rate (%) → Average rate of success ('persevere') by stage
  • Funding per VP → Average investment per VP by stage (includes, as far as possible, technical development, sales & marketing and overheads
  • FTE per VP → Average number of FTE (Associates) per VP by stage
  • Duration per VP → Average number of weeks a VP spends in each stage

Description Ideation Customer
MVP Optimize Growth Scale Aggregate
Value propositions (#) 10 10 10 10 10 10 70
Approval rate
(avg %)
Funding per VP
(avg k$)
206 k$
FTE per VP
(avg #)
8 fte
10 fte
20 fte
45 fte
64 fte
80 fte
15 fte
Duration per VP
(avg #weeks)
1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
5 weeks
10 weeks
10 weeks
31 weeks
Pipeline mix

Number of value propositions by region, country, division and channel

Region %
EUEurope 84%
NANorth America's 16%
Country %
DenmarkDenmark 16%
GermanyGermany 16%
GreeceGreece 16%
ItalyItaly 16%
NetherlandsNetherlands 16%
Division %
Div01Division01 16%
Div02Division02 84%
Channel %
flagship store 16%
flagship store 84%
Pipeline progress

Overview of value propositions that have been submitted for approval the longest (top table), and that have been in their respective stages the longest (bottom table)

Value propositions pending for review
Name Stage Submitted
Value proposition 01 1"|02 - Customer Validation 10-10-2021
Value proposition 02 2|03 - MVP 11-10-2021
Value proposition 06 3|06 - Scale 09-10-2021

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Active value propositions (weeks in stage)
Name Stage Weeks Pivot
Value proposition 03 1|01 - Ideation 3 yes
Value proposition 04 5|05 - Growth 3 yes
Value proposition 05 4|04 - Optimize 3 yes

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