Venture Building Toolkit

Your platform for managing innovation

Value propositions details
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  • Name → Enter the name of the value proposition
  • Country → Please enter the country or countries this VP is active in
  • Division → Select your division
  • Channel → Select the primary sales channel the proposition will be delivered through
  • Stage → Select the stage your value porposition is currently in
    |01 - Ideation
    |02 - Customer validation
    |03 - MVP
    |04 - Optimize
    |05 - Growth
    |06 - Scale
    | Perished


  • Team member → List all core team members that are supporting the delivery of this value proposition. Exclude team members in the Box shared service centre
  • FTE → How much time does this person dedicate to this project? For example 0.2 FTE = 20% of their time committed
  • Sponsor → List the approver for this VP, i.e. the person or people who decides to persevere, pivot or perish at the end of the stage. Note that this is the person or people who will be sent an email notiification to review when you click 'Submit for approval'

Team member Email FTE Action
Venture Builder Innoleaps 0.1
Total : 0.1
Sponsor Email Action
Venture Board member

The fields and their explanation:

  • Addressed Pain Point → Describe the target audience and the pain point / unmet need that this proposition addresses.
  • Value proposition summary → Provide a description of the value proposition, including solution summary, products & services offered, customer journey, and (if relevant) content and community strategy.
  • USP and Differentiation → Describe the unique selling point(s) of this proposition and its competitive advantage(s) against other players in this space.

Select the tab for input on each respective proposition part

Upload any additional documents to showcase this value proposition and complement the information provided on this page. Refer to the Learn section for relevant templates.

Name Action
Value Proposition 01 | Ideation report.pdf
Drop your file here

Enter below the amount of funding ($k) that the value propsoition has received by stage. Include both one-off and incremental running costs for technical development, sales & marketing and overheads

Total: 25 (k€)

01 - Ideation 02 - Customer Validation
03 - MVP 04 - Optimize
05 - Growth 06 - Scale
Value model and Picture of success
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Use the entry fields below to describe the value model of this VP (intrinsic, engagement and data value), i.e. how will the proposition generate value. Use the table on the right to show the longer-term ambition of your value proposition.

Value driver importance → Select which value drivers are the most important to your proposition (primary driver, secondary or not relevant):

  • Intrinsic value: stand-alone, financial value
  • Engagement value: value from 1-to-1 engagement with customers
  • Data value: value from collection and monetization of data

Value creation potential → Describe in words the proposition's value creation potential along these three dimensions (intrinsic, engagement, data)

Long-term ambition and glidepath → Use the table to set your long-term ambition along some key target metrics (3 years after launch) from Ideation stage, add glidepath at later stages (usually MVP stage) Use the Route to Scale tab to describe how you plan to expand and scale the proposition. Include new markets, products, channels, brands or other relevant scaling paths. Provide the total addressable market size for your proposition.

Select the tab for input on each respective source of value

Intrinsic value
Value driver importance
Value Creation Potential
Long term ambition and glidepath
Target Y1 Y2 Y3
NSV (M$)
Engagement value
Value driver role
Value Creation Potential
Long term ambition and glidepath
Target Y1 Y2 Y3
Referal rate (%)
Data value
Value driver role
Value Creation Potential
Long term ambition and glidepath
Target Y1 Y2 Y3
Customer profiles (#)
Route to scale
Description of route to scale
Total addressable market size
TAM ($)
Stage gate KPI's
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Please use the table below to set a Target for relevant KPIs at the beginning of the stage, and report on the Actual (or Estimated) value for each KPI at the end of the stage. Please provide any related commentary to the Comments column.

Customer discovery and validation

This stage is all about building deep understanding of your target audience by capturing user feedback and quickly validating your idea/proposition with customers. In most cases this will consist of testing how much traffic and clicks your proposition drives with a simple landing page and small-scale ad campaign (often without selling the actual product or service yet)

Please fill the respective KPI sections in the tabs below:

Use the table below to set stage gate targets at the start of the Customer Discovery & Validation stage (‘Target’ column), then report back achieved actuals at the end of the stage (‘Value column’). You can use the benchmark values for guidance.

Source KPI Benchmark Target Value Actual/model Trend Applicable Comment
Intrinsic CTR ~1% % %
Intrinsic Conversion rate 5-8% % %

In addition, we recommend tracking/modelling the following KPIs at the Customer Discovery & Validation stage, but without necessarily setting targets at the start of the stage – because setting targets at this stage is either not feasible or not necessary.

Source KPI Benchmark Target Value Actual/model Trend Applicable Comment
Intrinsic CAC(%) n.a.

Feel free to add any additional KPIs that the proposition team is tracking at this stage. You can select KPIs from the KPI dictionary by using the dropdown. If you can’t find the KPI you are searching for, please include additional KPI information in a separate document and upload using the ‘upload’ feature.

Source KPI Benchmark Target Value Actual/model Trend Applicable Comment

Please use the box below to capture the learnings you have gained during this stage of the value proposition development.
(to be completed at the end of the stage).

The fields and their explanation:

Delivery plan

What is your action plan for the next stage of development of the VP? What are the key hypotheses you want to test and activities you want to deliver?

Target outcomes

What outcomes are you targeting as a result of the next stage of development? What are the KPIs you will be tracking to measure these outcomes?

Required funding

How much incremental funding are you asking for / is required to deliver the plan and the outcomes described on the left?

Incremental funding required for next stage (k$):